SSCI Publications

19. O.S. Kiratli, S.E. Aytaç. "Voter Reaction to Government's Refusal to Natural Disaster Assistance: Experimental Evidence from Turkey and India". International Political Science Review. (2024). Link 

18. O.S. Kiratli & B. Schlipphak. "Populism and Public Attitudes toward International Organizations: Voting, Communication, and Education". The Review of International Organizations. (2024). Link

17. O.S. Kiratli. "Policy Objective of Military Intervention and Public Attitudes: A Conjoint Experiment from US and Turkey". Political Behavior. vol.46 1257-1269. (2024). Link

16. O.S. Kiratli, "Russian Aggression and Europeans' Attitudes toward the EU".  European Journal of Political Research. (2024). vol.63(4) 1699-1711.  Link 

15. O.S. Kiratli & S.A. Ertan. "When to not Respond in Kind? Individuals' Expectations of the Future and Support for Reciprocity in Foreign Policy". Political Behavior. vol.46(2) 1013-1035. (2024). Link

14. O.S. Kiratli. "Social Media Effects on Public Trust in the EU". Public Opinion Quarterly. vol.87(3)749-763 (2023). Link

13. O.S. Kiratli. "Loving Globalization: High-Growth Enterprises and Public Opinion on Globalization in Europe". European Union Politics. vol.24(2) 286-306. (2023). Link

12. O.S. Kiratli (with Bernd Schlipphak and Paul Meiners). "Salience matters: Crisis affectedness, elite cues and IO public legitimacy". The Review of International Organizations. vol.17 877-898 (2022). Link

11. O.S. Kiratli. "Together or not? Dynamics of Public Attitudes on UN and NATO". Political Studies. vol.70(2) 259-280 (2022). Link

10. O.S. Kiratli. "Politicization of Aiding Others: The Impact of Migration on European Public Opinion on Development Aid". JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. vol.59(1) 53-71. (2021). Link Top cited article at JCMS between January 1, 2021 and December 15, 2022

9. O.S. Kiratli. "Where do Hawks and Doves Fly when Shots are Fired?". Party Politics. vol.27(6) 1172-1183. (2021). Link

8. O.S. Kiratli. "Public Sensitivity to Cultural Identity and Regime Type of Trading Partners- A Survey Experiment from Turkey and Greece". European Political Science. vol.20: 630-647.(2021). Link Jacqui Briggs Prize by ECPR for best article published in European Political Science in 2021

7. O.S. Kiratli. "Thou Shalt not Kill": A Survey Experiment On The Effects Of Moral Primes On War Attitudes in Turkey". Turkish Studies. 21(5) 705-725 (2020). Link

6. OS Kiratli. "On the Question of Generosity: Who Supports Foreign Aid to Whom? - Lessons from Turkey and Greece". International Journal of Public Opinion Research. (1) 176-188. (2020). Link

5. O.S. Kiratli. "Aiding Together? Europeans' Attitudes on Common Aid Policy". European Union Politics. vol.20(2) 261-281. (2019). Link

4. O.S. Kiratli. "To Fight or Not To Fight? A Multivariate Analysis of Turkish Public Opinion on the Use of Force". Turkish Studies. 19:3, 363-380. (2018). Link

3. O.S. Kiratli. "Political Discourses on Europe and European Integration in National Election Manifestos and Party Programs". Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 29(2), Taylor-Francis, (2016). Link

2. O.S. Kiratli. "European Integration Policy in Turkey: A Comparison of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), 1965-2011". Southeast European and Black Sea Studies. 15: 3. p.261-279. Taylor-Francis, (2015). Link

1. O.S. Kiratli. "The Role of Identity in Support for Supranational Integration in EU Foreign and Security Policies". European Integration Online Papers (EIOP). Vol. 19, Article 7, pp. 1-37 (2015). Link

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